Our Story

Nestled in the heart of Vancouver, the historic Hotel Georgia has always been more than just a landmark; it’s a tapestry of tales, a place where history whispers from every corner. For over a century it has played host to a myriad of stories, each adding a layer to its rich history. It’s within this space that we bring you the story of Prophecy, a high-end cocktail bar in the hotel’s historic basement.

The basement of Hotel Georgia has long been a canvas for the vibrant and the bold. In its heyday, it was a sanctuary for the social elite, a hidden gem where jazz notes floated through the air, and the clink of cocktail glasses punctuated lively conversations. Over time, its glory faded, but the echoes of laughter and music remained, etched into its very walls.

Prophecy is more than just a bar, it’s a journey through time, a bridge between the bygone eras and the modern world. Our name, Prophecy, suggests a glimpse into the future while revisiting the spirit of the past; a vision of what could be, guided by the echoes of what has been. In a world constantly racing towards the future we believe in taking pause and reviving the lost art of conversation, rekindling connections, and creating new memories.

Upon descending into Prophecy, you are transported through a portal back in time. Our décor is a seamless blend of classic elegance and contemporary chic, paying homage to the Hotel Georgia’s heritage while infusing modern sensibilities.

We invite you to be a part of our narrative and to weave your tales into the fabric of this legendary space.